• Vol 31 / Issue 3
  • March 2016
  • Editor, Johnnie Brown

Next Meeting March 15

Table of Contents


The meeting will be at 6:30 pm at the University of Tennessee Space institute, room H111.


About The Program

March 15, 2016 - David Sharp, Smithville TN, will discuss how to do relief carvings and how to know where to gage thickness and tools.




New Members joined at February meeting

Rowland Bussler Rowland Bussler - Fayetteville
Logan Hickerson Logan Hickerson - Murfreesboro
Chad Limbaugh  Chad Limbaugh - Winchester
Thomas Moss Thomas Moss - Tracy City

Membership Information

If you change phone number, email address, etc; please notify Chuck Taylor, membership chairman (931-728-7086 or taylor_cw@charter.net. This will allow the membership listing on the web site to reflect the current and up-to-date information of all our club members.

Two Great  Website about all types of wood

The Wood Database



  • Shop Tours

  • The new process is a once per month tour at a shop that includes use of our mentors and helps members to work in their own shops creating, repairing and finishing projects they either already or may have. It is nice to go see all the toys in each other's shop but driving experimentation and education for folks is what we are about. using our mentors and opening up opportunities for folks to learn and practice in their own shops and let others learn and participate, I hope will drive more interest in other areas of woodworking that some may be timid to attempt or be unsure what to do and where to start.

    Our first tour will be at the Carvers meeting at Jim Jolliffe’s shop the Saturday after our meeting (March 19th). I believe they start at 8:30 AM so we will plan to meet between 7:30 and 8:00 at the Hardees on LINCOLN STREET in Tullahoma and then head to the shop from there.

  • Jack Kincella, Publicity Chairman


    Welcome To Our Library

    In January 2016, our Executive Committee was curious how our members were using the “How To” media that made up our library and if it wasn’t being used was it worth having August Dobert continue to bring the media to each club meeting. It was determined that over the last six months only three people had signed out any of our media. Based on the minimal use of our library resources it was decided that we should stop bringing in all the media to each meeting. Instead we would change the way we signed out our “How To” media; i.e. we would have a custodian of the library and when people needed to borrow a CD they could contact them and they could bring in the CD.

    So, how does our members get a CD to use to learn about something new in woodworking? Well each member has access to our Club website and the website has a complete directory of the CDs available to be signed out. To get a CD the club member sends an e:mail to the current custodian requesting a piece of media. The custodian will bring the CD to the next meeting and provide it to the member and the custodian shall annotate their files showing who has signed out the CD and the tentative “return date”. The custodian shall; if the CD is not returned in the agreed time, contact the member who signed for the CD and make arrangements for the CD to be returned at the next meeting. If the member has a continued need for the CD the “return date” shall be adjusted.

    If the Club gets any more CDs that would interest the club the listing on the Club website shall be updated and the membership notified of the change at the next Club meeting after receipt of the CD. The custodian shall also ask our Website Webmaster to place a notice of the update on the Website and it will be included in the Newsletter to ensure we keep our membership is notified of the addition to our media inventory.

    The current custodian is Pete Miller and he can be reached via e:mail at quackers1034@blomand.net. If you have any questions concerning the process of getting a CD please drop him an e:mail.



    Seven carvers met March 6 at Jim Jolliffe's shop to work on the soaring eagle and our own projects. Attached are some photos to show people what they are working on.

    The carvers are meeting twice a month on the first and third Saturdays from 8:30 to 10:30 am at Jim Jolliffe's shop. Note: See shop tours above.



    Everyone is invited to come and participate or just come to listen.

    Contact Ron Reimers @ 931-308-5196 or ronreimers@hotmail.com for additional information.


    Kenneth (Dale) Daniel  will sharpen TVW member blades. His location is 2007 Ovoca Road, Tullahoma.
    Phone – 931-455-5024, cell – 931-247-4753.



    If you are a recent new member or had requested a new name tag, a box of name tags will be available at the next meeting. In the  future, name tags will be made for new members and available for pickup at the next regular monthly meeting. Name tags for other  members will be made upon request only and will also be available for pickup at the next meeting. Please contact Chuck Taylor (931-728-7086 or email taylor_cw@charter.net) for information or name tags.


    February Show & Tell
    Bob Stancil Bob Stancil brought in a turned spalted maple bowl finished with butcher block oil.
    Doyl Mc Connell Doyle McConnell brought in some turned ashes/urns with threaded lids, made from spalted maple, with the fennels turned dark
    from a detail of putting steel wool in vinegar to make the wood turn dark. He also brought in a turned bowl with a lacquer finish.
    Bob Addington Bob Addington brought in a bread board he had made with his CNC machine, and a plaque also made on the CNC machine with dogs and cats on it, along with a walnut bowl finished with 5 coats of lacquer.
    Vince Zaccardi Vince Zaccardi brought in a turned bowl, and he was not sure what type of wood it was. It was finished with an oil finish and paste wax. He also brought in a larger bowl made from box elder, finished with paste wax.
    Pete Miller Pete Miller brought in several knives he had made the handles for before assembling the completed knife. They were from different types of woods, with the handles glued on with epoxy. He then filled in the holes with resin and finished them with Danish oil.
    Chuck Taylor Chuck Taylor brought in several pens he had made for members of his family, and some vases he had turned, all from the same dogwood tree.  He signed them and them finished them with a lacquer finish
    Paul Walters showed us his miniature and full sized cowboy hats, and a two sided platter, along with the many different types of jigs it takes to make the hats.


     To view the "Links of Interest" on our web site, please click here.           


    Click here to see the Exchange Opportunities

    If you have additional woodworking items for sale or are looking for woodworking items, please send information to Chuck Taylor at 931-728-7086 or email to taylor_cw@charter.net

    Shop Tip

    Set the right height

    There are lots of ideas floating around about proper blade height, but Freud’s Jim Brewer has the final word, advising that about half the highest tooth should protrude above the workpiece, as shown. Brewer emphasizes that the bottom of the tooth should never be higher than the workpiece top.





    Work safely and don’t take unnecessary chances with your woodworking tools


    Want a good tip concerning your current project?

    Visit this web site for “tips for every situation”: http://www.woodworkingtips.com/etips/


    The following companies are supporters of the TVW club. Click on their "logo" to go to their web site.