• Vol 27 / Issue 02
  • February 2012
  • Editor, Chuck Taylor

Next Meeting February 21st

The February meeting will be at 7:00 pm on the 21st at the University of Tennessee Space institute, room H111.

About The Program

The program for the meeting on February 21 will be presented by Tom Cowan, one of our club members. Tom will be speaking on the topic "Early Tennessee Cabinet Making". He always makes an interesting presentation and we are looking forward to what Tom has in store for us.

Come out and see what Tom has to share with us at the February 21st meeting.


Welcome to Our New Members

(becoming members at the January meeting)

Be sure to meet all of our new members and welcome them to the club.


   Dan Sweet ............... Normandy

  Ronald Shumake ............... Manchester



The first workshop of the year was held on January 21 at Henry’s shop. The workshop was planned so that everyone could make a chuck. About 14
eager members attended the event and came away with a completed chuck. Thanks to Loyd for coordinating the organizational requirements (on
the forum), Henry for hosting, all the “mentors” for making this a great success. Also, thanks to Stanley Dunn for the really good meal.
Another workshop is planned for February 25th for those not able to get in the first session. There will be additional information concerning
the next workshop at our regular meeting.
You can get all the needed information by logging on to the TVW forum and checking out the “Longworth Chuck” topic discussion.


The TVW Executive Committee will be meeting on February 28th to set the yearly calendar of events for the club. If you have suggestions for a
seminar, workshop or program, please give your request to one of the executive committee members. The results will be posted on the TVW web
site. Additional information will be available at the regular meeting.



More than 20 carvers showed up at Phil's shop on February 4th with great expectations for a wonderful day with tools and wood in hand. They
were ready for a wonderful experience in Face/Woodspirit carving and were not disappointed. The instructors, Harry May & Steve Shores, did a
wonderful job of helping the beginners and seasoned carvers alike. It was a great learning experience and was enjoyed by all. The group has
decided to acquire some buckeye for a future project.
The carvers normally meet on the first Saturday of each month and work on individual or group projects. Anyone interested in carving is welcome to attend these monthly meetings.


Want to learn how to play a flute? Here is your chance. Ron Reimers is creating a “Flute Circle” at Tom Cowan’s workshop. Not only will
members learn how to create Indian flutes but they will also be able to learn how to play them. The first meeting of the “Flute Circle”, was
held January 21 from 4 – 6 PM. Members are encouraged to contact Ron Reimers if they are interested. Additional information concerning future
meeting will be presented at the next regular club meeting.


Scott Short found a procedure on the internet describing how to rejuvenate Ni-Cad batteries. He tried it and it worked. If you have old Ni-Cads and want to bring them back to life, contact Scott.


The Forum is now functioning really smooth, with lots of activity and really great information being passed between members. If you have a question, here is the place to get an answer. Instead of just “viewing” the forum, you can ask questions or answer questions. It is a great
way to swap ideas and learn new tricks of the trade.
If you have not tried it, take the time to register and you will see what you have been missing. You will then be able to share your ideas
and experiences with other members through the forum.


The club library is a great way to learn new techniques and brush up on old ones. Henry has the library “open” at each regular meeting. New
items are being added all the time.
Please remember that you can now view some of the club DVDs on line. Go to the library listing on our club website and click on the
underlined titles.
For a complete list of all items in the Digital Library, see Henry Davis at club meetings, email him at hdavis37@charter.net or call him at
393-3191 and leave a message.


Your 2012 TVW dues are now payable. If you have not paid by the end of February, your name will be automatically removed from the roster.
Please pay by the February meeting and keep your name on the roster. Contact Bob Addington to pay your dues. You can also mail your dues to
Bob at 249 Big Oak Drive, Manchester, TN 37355. Our dues are only $10.00 for a single membership, and $15.00 for a family membership (what a bargain).

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