Tenn Valley Woodworkers Minutes -  Executive Meeting Jan. 6, 2015

Doug Dunlap- Secretary


The meeting opened by President, Paul Fulks, at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2015, at the UTSI campus.  Members present were  Tom Cowan,  Vince Zarcardi,  Paul Fulks,  Loyd Ackerman, Johnnie Brown,  Chuck Taylor,  Doug Dunlap,  Phil Myers,  Paul Jalbert, and Karen Browning. 

 No minutes from the last meeting were available to be read and approved.

Paul Jalbert passed out a copy of the 2014 Financial Summary and Proposed 2015 Budget and explained all the details.  The group agreed with the projected estimates for expenditures for the 2015 activities and that we should have our new  balance close to last year's balance. Click here for report.

Karen Browning said that she has the club's equipment, including a tent, stored in a barn.  We can sell what we don't need.   Fred Heltsley is to give the secretary a list of this equipment.

2015 is the Club's 30th anniversary and talk was made about restaurants and costs for meals at this celebration in the Fall.  Paul Fulks proposed that we combine this event with the Christmas party and eliminate  door prizes to cut down on the expenses.  The American Legion and the AEDC Officers' Club were mentioned.  We will plan more on this as the year progresses.

Upcoming events are as follows:

Someone from Briggs Paint in Manchester will present the program on January 20, 2015.

Loyd Ackerman volunteered to do a program on sketchup, in February.

Tom Cowan and Vince Zacardi said that they would do a seminar in the Summer. Woodturning was proposed, but no definite plan was made.

The Turning Bee was tentatively set for May 9, 2015,  but no details yet.

The Annual Club Picnic was tentatively set for June 6, 2015, at Falls Mill.

Fred Heltsley has volunteered to do a program on Windsor Chairs next Summer.

Jim Joliffe volunteered to do a program on carving some time after April.

Matt Brothers, Jack Kincella, and Henry Davis all said that they would do a program.

Shop tours were mentioned and workshops that could be done the Saturday after the club's monthly meeting.  Doyle McConnelwill be contacted to set these up.  It was mentioned that new people should volunteer to do these events.  Larry Wendland was mentioned as a prospect. 


The Microphone Problem was mentioned, but no solution was offered.  Paul Fulks said he would look into this.

 Adjournment was made at 8:00 p.m.