August 21, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting

The Executive Committee Meeting was opened at 12:00 PM by club President Vince Zaccardi.  Those in attendance are as followed:

            Vince Zaccardi-President

            Bob Addington-Treasurer

            Henry Davis-Librarian

            Loyd Ackerman

            Chuck Taylor-Newsletter Editor

            Kevin Deuermeyer-Secretary

            Doyle McConnell


Treasurer’s Report for FY 2011 was presented by Bob Addington in the form of a spreadsheet listing:

            Beginning Balance of- $4493.51   

            Funds Collected were-$1751.29

            Total Expenses were-$1473.46

            Ending Balance was-$4771.34


Selection of new club officers was discussed along with club members who might be interested in holding a leadership position, such as Committee Chairperson. The following officers have indicated that they would be interested in holding their present position into 2013:

Bob Addington-Treasurer

            Henry Davis-Librarian

            Chuck Taylor-Newsletter Editor

            Kevin Deuermeyer-Secretary

The position of Vice-President and President are still in need of being selected.


There was a discussion of creating a new committee to assist the Vice President in their duties.  The formation of this committee is to be established in effort to broaden the search for new ideas, new programs, and to enhance the overall presentations at the monthly meetings.  There was no action taking on the creation of this new committee by the close of business.

The Fall Seminar which was scheduled for October 13, 2012 at Tom Cowan’s shop was discussed.  Due to time restraints and other considerations, a motion was made by Loyd Ackerman to cancel the Fall Seminar.   Bob Addington subsequently suggested that it be moved to Spring of 2013 and called a Spring Seminar.  The motion was so modified and seconded by Bob Addington.  A vote was taken by the attendees.  The motion passed unanimously.


The Executive closed its meeting at 2:00PM.